June 26 was the Brewer-Thomas family reunion held at Steve Thomas' house in Leawood. Steve is Kurt's cousin, his dad's sister's son. Wendy, the other cousin and her family were there too. Along with quite a few on the Thomas' side that we have never met, and didn't get much time to get to know. Chasing kids and catching up with those that we did know made the time fly. We had such a great time, we let Rory, Steve's wife, talk us into spending the night! Well, there was tons of food, wine and the kids were having such a great time that we stayed. So the Brewer's, Thomas', and Guillies dance partied into the night.
Along with making new friends with our relatives, Rory revealed to us a history that she had done on the Brewer family. She had it bound into a very nice book as well and has promised to share all her research with us. Kurt was so motivated, he dug up his previous research into the Brady family reunion that takes place in Pennsylvania. So our 2011 vacation will be to the Northeast to do some history chasing. The girls are very excited, which makes us pleased and will provide some valuable lessons.
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